Friday, November 21, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

About Definition of Done (DoD)

Currently, i am reading Ilan Goldsteins fantastic book Scrum Shortcuts Without Cutting Corners which is full of practical suggestion that can directly be applied to your daily work. On today's morning walk i thought about Shortcut 11: Developing the Definition of Done.

Ilan Goldstein points out that there cannot be any one standard definition of done (DoD) because it inevitably evolves. However, for beginners he suggests some typical DoDs. As a general rule, you should develop DoDs on different levels, e.g. one for Release, User Story and Task. An example DoD for level Task might be:
  • Code has been unit-tested.
  • Code has been peer reviewed (if continual pair programming isn't being conducted) to ensure coding standards are met.
  • Code has been checked into source control with clear check-in comments for traceability
  • Checked-in code doesn't break the build (see Shortcut 18).
  • The task board has been updated and remaining time for the task = 0 (see Shortcut 21)
You can find the book website including TOC and sample chapters at Scrum Shortcuts Without Cutting Corners

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Anregung: Flake Ids

Immer mal wieder stellen wir fest, dass das vielen DB-Implementierungen zugrundeliegende Identifier-Konzept ziemlich 90er ist und aktuelle Anforderungen nicht gut erfüllt. Kurz gesagt wird dabei der zur Verfügung stehende 64-Bit Wertebereich anhand des zu erwartenden Datenaufkommens und der vorab bekannten Anzahl der Standorte aufgeteilt.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

crashrpt (Google)

Some time ago, i was looking for a crash dump library for C/C++ on Windows and found crashrpt which is a Google Library which supports collecting Mini-Dumps, Screenshots, Logs etc. as well as handling some typical pitfalls like thread hooking. The first impression was very good. Finally, it is available as NuGet-Package CrashRpt.CPP.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Hanselman about JSONx: Inception-Style Nested Data Formats

In Inception-Style Nested Data Formats Scott Hanselman comments on IBMs JSONx-Standard that supports representig JSON in XML. For good reason, he asks: "Why would one inflict this upon the world?". The comments section refer to a lot of projects you definitely do not want to be part of.

All about Angular 2.0

Seit Rob Eisenberg, der Erfinder von Durandal und des in u.a. TACON extensiv genutzten Frameworks Caliburn.Micro an Bord des Angular-Teams bei Google ist interessiere ich mich mehr und mehr für AngularJS. Erste Versuche sind wow! Eine oft beobachtete Lernerfahrung sieht allerdings eher so aus:

[caption width="545" align="alignnone"]My Experience With AngularJS My Experience With AngularJS[/caption]

Rob Eisenberg ist bei Google um die nächste große Angular-Version mit zu entwerfen, eine große Sache. Im September hat Rob schon im Adventures in Angular-Podcast ng 2.0 with Rob Eisenberg über Angular 2.0 gesprochen.

In seinem gestrigen Blogeintrag All About Angular 2.0 stellt Rob das Design von AngularJS 2.0 zum ersten Mal konkret mit Code-Beispielen vor.